Roscoe's Ranch


Roscoe’s Ranch (RR) is a premier dog boarding kennel in the Pacific Northwest. They have a strong existing customer base with the kind of reputation and word-of-mouth recommendations that businesses and advertisers dream of. Their brand remains strong.
Acquiring new customers or altering the brand identity was not the problem that needed to be solved at the time. Instead, RR needed to upgrade the web/mobile experience for existing customers and make the experience responsive, performant, and simple for all visitors. The website needed to look and feel like 2022!

The target customer for Roscoe's Ranch is dog owners living in the greater Seattle area who are seeking a high-quality dog boarding facility with convenient online booking and a user-friendly interface.

The goal of the project was to completely redesign their old website and make it responsive for mobile devices. The main objective of the redesign was to improve the user experience and make the booking process more convenient and intuitive.

In the project, I worked as a UX/UI designer at Lake & Pine Design Studio, collaborating closely with my colleague. We both played integral roles in the redesign of Roscoe's Ranch website. While the case study primarily focuses on my contributions, it's important to acknowledge the collaborative nature of our work.

My role involved:

  • Analysis of the existing website: I conducted a thorough analysis of the existing website to identify its strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This analysis provided valuable insights into the current user experience and served as a foundation for our redesign efforts.

  • User research: I conducted user interviews and usability testing to gather insights into the needs, preferences, and pain points of Roscoe's Ranch's target audience. These research methods allowed me to empathize with the users and understand their expectations when it comes to finding a dog boarding facility.

  • Design strategy and planning: Based on the user research findings, I collaborated with my colleague and other team members to develop a design strategy and plan. We discussed the goals of the project, identified key design objectives, and defined a roadmap for the redesign process.

  • Wireframing and prototyping: I created low-fidelity wireframes and prototypes to visualize the website's layout, structure, and user flow. These early-stage designs helped us iterate and gather feedback from stakeholders and users before investing significant time and resources in high-fidelity design.

  • Visual design: I worked on the visual concept and design elements, taking into account the preferences of the client and the needs of the target audience. I created a final visual design that was aesthetically pleasing, aligned with Roscoe's Ranch's branding, and optimized for a modern and user-friendly experience.

  • Collaboration and communication: Throughout the project, I collaborated closely with my colleague, stakeholders, developers, and other team members. We shared ideas, discussed design decisions, and ensured that our work aligned with the project's goals and the client's vision.

  • Iterative design process: I followed an iterative design process, incorporating feedback from stakeholders and users at each stage. This allowed us to continuously refine and improve the design based on real-world insights and user needs.


To better understand the needs and preferences of Roscoe's Ranch's target audience, I conducted a couple of user research methods, including:

User interviews: I conducted interviews with current and potential customers of Roscoe's Ranch to gain insights into their needs and pain points when it comes to finding a dog boarding facility. We asked questions about their previous experiences, what they look for in a boarding facility, and what features and information they find most important on a website.

Usability testing: To ensure that the new website design was user-friendly and easy to navigate, I conducted usability testing with a group of users. I asked them to perform specific tasks on the website, such as booking a dog boarding reservation, and observed how they interacted with the site and what issues they encountered.

Insights gained from this research influenced my design decisions in several ways. For example:

Based on user interviews, I learned that customers were often frustrated by the lack of information about pricing and availability on many dog boarding facility websites. This led me to prioritize the development of a clear and easy-to-use booking system with a visual calendar that displays availability and pricing information.

Through the responses, I learned that users value transparency and honesty in the information provided by dog boarding facilities. This influenced my content strategy and design decisions, as I made sure to provide detailed information about the facilities, services, and policies in a clear and upfront manner.

Usability testing revealed that some users were confused by the original website's navigation and struggled to find the information they needed. This led me to prioritize a clear and streamlined navigation system that helps users find what they need quickly and efficiently.

By incorporating insights from user research into our design decisions, my team were able to create a website that not only looks modern and visually appealing but also meets the needs and preferences of Roscoe's Ranch's target audience.


To begin the design process I first created an information architecture (IA) used tool to organize the site's content and structure. This involved conducting a content audit of the existing site, identifying key user tasks and goals, and mapping out a clear hierarchy of information.

Once the IA was established, I moved on to creating low-fidelity wireframes. These were basic visual representations of the site's layout and content, without much attention to visual design details. They helped me to quickly iterate and test different design ideas, and allowed me to gather feedback from stakeholders and users before investing too much time in high-fidelity design.
All the designs was created using Adobe XD.

Special attention was given to the booking page with the calendar, where the user had to select dates and see the availability of dog kennels. This was challenging because the client requested to reflect the availability of kennels and the possibility of late check-in for each day. In addition, I had to consider responsiveness for both mobile and desktop. I proposed several solutions of the calendar:


The following four concepts were intended to guide the visual design phase of the redesign project. These early concepts were presented in order to drive discussion around the preservation and/or evolution of the current look and feel. The words and images and UI were all placeholders at the time.

The client chose the version in green color. This palette departs far from the original RR branding. It is intended to reflect the colors that might be associated with a ranch in the Northwest region.
The client expressed a desire to maintain the original logo "Roscoe's Ranch" and the photo of their dog on the homepage, which I incorporated into the design. In addition, I created additional icons for the homepage to improve navigation and user experience.

To further enhance the user experience, some images was taken on the ranch, which helped to showcase the facility's picturesque setting and reassure customers that their dogs would be in a safe and beautiful environment.

Overall, the use of green in the color palette creates a relaxing and inviting atmosphere, while the incorporation of the original logo and photo of the client's dog adds a personal touch that resonates with potential customers. The icons and images also aid in creating a clear and intuitive user experience, making it easy for users to navigate the website and access information about the facility and its services.

Desktop examples
The new design introduced a photo gallery of the facility which proved to be a valuable addition. By viewing the images, users could better understand the conditions in which the dogs were kept and the level of care provided. This, in turn, helped them make an informed decision when booking a kennel for their pets.

Mobile examples
Also here you can see the final version of the calendar. After considering all of the client's preferences and requirements, I have come up with a design that is both intuitive and logical, providing a user-friendly solution that is easy to navigate on both mobile and desktop devices.

The initial prototyping was conducted during the low-fidelity mockup stage. This allowed the client to preview the approximate user flow on both mobile and desktop versions. The image below displays the high-fidelity prototype.


After implementing the new design solution for Roscoe's Ranch, there was a noticeable improvement in user engagement. The new design with its updated color palette, typography, and imagery made the website more visually appealing and user-friendly.

Additionally, the new and improved reservation system made it easier for users to book their pets' stay at the facility, resulting in more reservations and ultimately increased revenue for the client.

The client also received positive feedback from their customers, who appreciated the more modern look and feel of the site and found it much easier to navigate. Overall, the design solution had a significant impact on the project goals and proved to be a successful investment for the client.

Challenges & Lessons LEARNED

One of the challenges I faced was creating a calendar page that would display availability for boarding kennels while accommodating various booking options. To overcome this challenge, I proposed several solutions and worked closely with the client to ensure the final design met their needs.

Another challenge and lesson learned was the importance of collaboration and communication with the client. By keeping the client involved in the design process and gathering feedback throughout each stage, we were able to ensure the final product met their vision and expectations.

In future projects, I would aim to prioritize user testing earlier in the design process to validate assumptions and gather user feedback sooner. This could have helped identify potential issues earlier and saved time and resources in the long run.

Overall, the Roscoe's Ranch project was a great learning experience and reinforced the importance of close collaboration, problem-solving, and user-centered design.

Future Enhancements for an Elevated User Experience

The potential future enhancements for Roscoe's Ranch website envision advanced features that could further elevate the user experience and set the business apart in the dog boarding industry. While these recommendations were not discussed with the client, they represent innovative possibilities that align with the goals of Roscoe's Ranch and the evolving needs of their target audience. Although careful consideration is required to assess feasibility and impact, these forward-thinking enhancements showcase the potential for technological advancements to enhance convenience, personalization, and engagement for users.

The most advanced features that could be implemented into this website to further enhance the user experience and stay at the forefront of technology include:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot: Recommendation: Implement an AI-powered chatbot that can provide instant responses to user inquiries, assist with bookings, and offer personalized recommendations based on user preferences and pet information. Justification: AI chatbots can provide 24/7 support, improving customer service and responsiveness. By leveraging AI technology, the chatbot can learn from user interactions and provide increasingly accurate and helpful responses over time. This advanced feature showcases innovation, enhances user engagement, and offers a convenient and efficient communication channel for users.

  2. Virtual Reality (VR) facility tours: Recommendation: Integrate virtual reality technology to offer immersive facility tours, allowing users to experience the kennel environment in a virtual setting. Justification: VR tours provide an innovative and interactive way for potential customers to explore Roscoe's Ranch without physically visiting the facility. Users can get a realistic sense of the facility's layout, amenities, and overall ambiance, which helps build trust and confidence in their decision to book their pets' stay. This advanced feature sets Roscoe's Ranch apart from competitors and offers a unique and engaging experience for users.

  3. IoT-powered pet monitoring: Recommendation: Utilize Internet of Things (IoT) technology to enable pet monitoring during their stay, allowing owners to remotely check on their pets and receive real-time updates on their well-being. Justification: IoT-powered pet monitoring enhances transparency and peace of mind for pet owners. By integrating smart devices, such as cameras or wearable trackers, users can access live video feeds, receive activity reports, and even interact with their pets through remote communication tools. This advanced feature demonstrates a commitment to pet care, provides a unique selling point, and caters to the needs of tech-savvy and concerned pet owners.

Let’s connect!

Thank you for your time reviewing my work on the Roscoe's Ranch website! If you’d like to get in touch, my contact information is provided below.

